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CBL State Savings Bank donates $15,000 to Daily Bread Ministries for Tiny Home Project for the Homel

CBL State Savings Bank donated $15,000 to the Tiny Homes project for the homeless through Daily Bread Ministries.

In 2020, Daily Bread Ministries hopes to complete construction and open five tiny homes in conjunction with the Greer Soup Kitchen. This tiny home concept allows for shelter for the homeless in transitional and emergency situations and will be an extension of the current STEP program for families in the Greer Family Shelter.

STEP simply means the “Shelter to Empower People” and with the addition of the five tiny homes there will be greater opportunity to serve the homeless individuals and couples in the community. This program offers shelter, food from Greer Soup Kitchen, life skills classes and helps individuals to get back on their feet.

“If we see someone that is hungry, we will give them food. And this is an opportunity to give more people a hand up and not a hand down to help them get back on their feet,” says Chip Patat, member of the board of directors for Daily Bread Ministries.

“We are thankful for this donation and believe that this is sowing into the future of our community not just in the construction today,” Patat continued.

“At CBL, we believe in community, and we believe in second chances. There is no better way to build our community than by caring for others within It.” says Jennifer T. Jones, President & CEO of CBL.


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